5 Essentials for Successful Homeownership

Homeownership is a huge responsibility that needs serious thought. To be successful, you need to know enough to manage the home, protect your family, and secure your investment. Since it can be a daunting task, below are five essentials for successful homeownership.

1. Maintenance

To be a successful homeowner, be sure to know how to maintain your home, which will reduce costs in the long run. Maintenance includes:

• Reducing utility bills by energy-proofing the house.

• Cleaning or changing filters often to avoid debris such as dust from spreading throughout your home.

• Landscaping with trees and grass to enhance the home’s air quality.

Also, do a deep cleaning of the home by scrubbing floors, disinfecting bathrooms, and cleaning the toilets. You can also maintain your house by replacing bulbs, cleaning the gutters, turning the water off when repairing pipes, unclogging drains, fixing dents in walls, and caulking.

2. Being Neighborly

Being a good neighbor ensures you build strong relationships and community. Be friendly and introduce yourself to your neighbors, bring them treats, and invite them over. Also, avoid making any unnecessary noise through loud music and conversations.

Be neighborly by keeping your place clean through neatly storing trash, regular lawn mowing, planting flowers, and picking up after your children and pets.

Also, be active in your neighborhood affairs as much as possible. Volunteering for neighborhood watches, attending garage sales, and reporting Nextdoor racial profiling are just some of the ways to be a good neighbor. Joining the Homeowners Association is also essential to fulfill duties such as resolving conflicts, neighborhood upkeep, and financial management as a treasurer.

Also, follow fence etiquette by informing neighbors about fence installation and performing a land survey of boundaries.

3. Financial Responsibility

Homeownership comes with many fiscal responsibilities, such as paying property taxes based on the government’s tax rates and the home’s value. Also, homeownership comes with mortgage interest deductions which minimize the taxable income. You should also pay your bills, such as water bills, trashcan pickup, and landscaping duties. You can also hire an accountant to keep up with the financial responsibilities.

Getting homeowners insurance will ensure your home is well-protected. The coverage should include protection from natural disasters, property damage, injury, and repair costs. Also, saving money for unexpected problems such as pests, mold, or fixing structural issues is critical.

4. Basic Design and Decor Skills

Before starting home design projects, create a budget then begin with structural repairs. When making home improvements, prioritize design and décor that increases the house’s value. This includes updating kitchens, bathrooms, decks, and the living room. Basic design features include:

• Painting with your preferred color palette.

• Mixing patterns that complement each other.

• Hanging up artwork and setting up mood lighting.

The décor should be to your style, so do a little research on the furniture, artwork, and lights that you want in your home. Instead of following market trends, only choose what you like and buy affordable décor. Huge projects are expensive so remember to go slow on home renovations.

5. Security

To be a successful homeowner, you should invest in securing the home from intruders. First, change your locks before moving in because other people may have the key. You can also install deadbolts and strike plates on the doors. Beef up security by burglar proofing the windows by getting:

• Window latches

• Installing window-breaking sensors

• Adding window bars

• Reinforcing windows with a protective film

You can get a home automation security system that uses Smart technology for maximum security. The features include smart doorbells with cameras and motion sensors, smart cameras with video, sound, and night vision that an owner can operate remotely, smart LED lights that are motion-sensitive, and smoke alarms that produce alerts in case of a fire. You should secure the intelligent security system by installing antiviruses and firewalls.

Another security tip is to cut off or trim long and messy bushes because thieves may use them as hiding places. Also, do a thorough survey of where you live to ensure it is a safe neighborhood. Get a safe to keep all your essential documents such as passports, jewelry, home warranties, and money.

Photo by Ian MacDonald on Unsplash

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