7 Job Sectors Where More Women are Needed

Over recent years, much has been said about inequality in the workplace and sectors dominated by men. While there has been more of a push for equality in certain sectors, progress has been slow in some regards.

What are some of the industries where more women are needed? Let’s take a look at our list.

Web Design

Web designers are one of the fastest-growing jobs in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics says that the projected growth in the industry is set to rise 13% over the next decade, which they classify as “much faster than average”.

In 2019, a little over 50% of all people hired for a web design position were women, meaning there has been significant change over the past few years.

One of the reasons for this is a push to get more young girls into IT-related activities, such as coding. The movement “Girls Who Code” encourages girls and young women to start coding at a young age.

Oil and Gas

A sector with big earning potential and steady growth, oil and gas has long been a male-dominated job area due to its harsh nature and high level of physical activity.

But, more and more companies have set goals to attract women to the job world. With oil and gas experiencing a huge technological shift, there has been a rise in the number of skilled jobs within the sector. That means more and more people are needed for support and back-office jobs.


Source: https://www.osha.gov/doc/topics/women/

The construction sector is in an interesting position. The industry is currently experiencing a worker-shortage in all areas, not just skilled areas such as carpenters and blacksmiths. The plus side is that many of these jobs can be done away from the worksite and even done from the comfort of your own home.

Even areas that have low rates of unemployment, like major metropolitan areas Seattle and San Antonio, are struggling to fill roles in construction.

Similar to oil and gas, there is now a greater need for skilled workers outside of the manual labor part of the construction world. Women can fill those roles in management, technology, and support areas. More and more women can enter project management and look for creative solutions to cut costs and improve workplace efficiency.

Medical Leadership

Even though there are more women than men attending and finishing medical school these days, men still dominate the field when it comes to leadership positions at clinics and hospitals.

Source: http://newsletter.esahq.org/gender-leadership-positions-anaesthesiology-take-challenge/

The older a doctor is, the more likely they are to be male and the more likely they are to be accepted into a leadership position as you can see in the graph above.

Even though there are more trainees and doctors that are female, the vast majority of those in leadership positions are male.

Mechanical Engineering

Similar to oil and gas and construction, there is now a need for people to work away from physically demanding jobs. Long gone are the days when being big and burly was one of the requirements to be a mechanical engineer.

So many processes are automated these days, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t plenty of work that needs to be done. Currently, only about 13% of the workforce are women which means there is plenty of room to grow in this particular sector.


Another manual labor job, there are plenty of positions open today in a sector that is experiencing a shortage of skilled workers.

Currently, women represent around just 4% of the total workforce but auto leaders are looking to recruit more women for those skilled positions. Out of all the industries listed, this might be the most “boys club” one and one of the hardest to truly break into.


Last on our list is a surprising addition. It might seem strange that there aren’t more women architects, but currently, women make up around 30% of all architects.

More and more women are entering the field, however, as some schools report that around 50% of their graduating class were women. But, there is still a lack of women in architecture leadership positions, similar to the medical industry.

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