Apps For Women In 2023

This year, more than ever, women are coming into their own as empowered and confident people. However, social media and other outside factors can sometimes put a damper on the lives of women, their values, and how important they see themselves. In order to counteract this, consider cultivating the lifestyle you want by starting with the object you interact with most: your cellphone.

These apps are meant to provide a use for women that goes beyond superficiality and actually tackles tangible women’s issues. Though the app store isn’t a cure for everything, there are a variety of helpful applications that make day-to-day life just a little bit easier.


Being healthy begins with your mindset! Headspace is a popular meditation app that can benefit women in many ways. It offers guided meditation and mindfulness exercises that can help women reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote better sleep. The app also offers specific meditation sessions designed to address issues that women commonly face, such as menstrual pain, pregnancy, and motherhood. By using Headspace, women can prioritize their mental health and well-being, and develop a regular meditation practice that can have positive effects on all areas of their lives.


Trello is a highly acclaimed productivity app that can be a huge benefit to women, helping them manage their busy lives and stay organized despite their girl-boss lifestyles. The app offers a flexible and intuitive system for creating and organizing to-do lists, setting reminders, and collaborating with others on projects. Women can use Trello to keep track of work tasks, household chores, and personal goals, all in one place! 

Using Trello is a handy way to allow women to streamline their productivity, reduce stress, and free up more time to focus on the things that matter most, like quality time with loved ones and much-needed self-care!


Did you know that 1/3rd of worldwide data produced daily is healthcare related? By using an application like JennyCo, women can place themselves into the healthcare data marketplace and use their information to help themselves instead of a random corporation. As well as being able to track and view your healthcare data, you can also use this information for personalized product recommendations, diet plans, recommended pharmaceuticals and more. Women cannot seem to turn a corner without running into someone who is pushing a product or service, so why not make use of this valuable information ourselves?


Acorns is a personal finance app that can benefit women by helping them save up their money and make important investments more efficiently. The app links to a user’s bank account and automatically invests spare change from purchases into a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, which means that the extra few cents they take out won’t be anything your bank account will miss.

By taking advantage of the tools within Acorns, women can start investing small amounts of money, build long-term wealth, and gain more control over their financial future. There’s nothing more relieving than running into a financial emergency and realizing you have a small safety net! 


Sometimes, it’s easier to order beauty products online. We don’t always have the spare time to go to a store and try on different variations of makeup. GlamScout is a beauty app that solves this problem by helping women find makeup products that match their skin tone and preferences. The app uses advanced facial recognition technology to analyze a user’s face and suggest makeup products from different brands that would work well for their skin tone and style. 

Women can also use GlamScout to try on virtual makeup and experiment with different looks before making a purchase, so you know what you’re getting yourself into before investing your money into a product! By using GlamScout, women can save time and money by finding makeup products that work for them without the need for trial and error.

An App For Everything

The apps on this list aren’t going to solve every problem you come across, but they might be able to do their due diligence in taking a bit of weight off of your shoulders. Sometimes, when you have a busy lifestyle, you need to take advantage of assistance when you can. With technology constantly changing and improving, these applications should certainly help you to make the day-to-day tasks of life a bit easier.

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