Five Things You Can Do to Advance Your Career

You may be happy with the job you have right now, but doing the same things over and over again for years can get tiresome. In fact, remaining this way can get downright embarrassing, when you see people younger than you get promotions. All of these emotions can have you feeling unmotivated and unhappy with your job, which is why it’s vital that you’re constantly looking for new ways to improve and advance your career. Of course, this is easier said than done, but here are five tips to help you do it.

Show Yourself Off

Although what you know is important too, who you know can really help when it comes to career advancements. This is why you need to make sure that you put yourself out there and be visible to others in your industry. Social media is a great tool for this, so make sure that your profile is up to date and get into some professional groups on Facebook. You should also make sure you visit any networking events and groups in your area.

Dare To Try

You’re never going to get anywhere in life unless you’re willing to take a risk and do things you’ve never done before. Because of this, it’s essential that you volunteer for tasks and jobs at work, even if they’re not in your job description. Of course, you may make a mistake, but people make them every day, so this shouldn’t hold you back. You also need the confidence to ask for promotions and apply for new jobs; You may not get them, but you won’t know unless you try.

Always Be Improving

If you want to advance in your career, then you need to be one of the best people out there, so do whatever you can to improve your skills and increase your knowledge. If you were in education, for example, then you might want to consider taking an online masters of education to improve your qualifications. As I mentioned above, you should also volunteer for extra responsibilities and tasks at work, and accept any constructive criticism your peers or superiors might have.

Make Others Like You

The one thing that you should avoid if you want a promotion is gossiping at work. Sure, it might be fun at the time, but if word gets back to your boss about what you’ve been up to, then they aren’t going to like you very much. Instead, do all you can to appear kind and trustworthy, like doing a bit more work that you’re expected to or helping out a colleague. This shows that you’re passionate and authentic, which are traits all employers look out for.

Never Give Up

If you genuinely want to climb the corporate ladder, then you have to keep fighting, even when times get tough. It may not feel like your work is getting you anywhere right now, but persistence does pay off, so keep at it. Just remember to always keep your goals realistic, or you’ll end up beating yourself up for underachieving on something that you would never have been able to accomplish in the first place.

Advancing in your career isn’t always easy, but, hopefully, these tips will help you out a bit.

Photo: Pixabay

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