Here’s How To Properly Maintain Your Wooden Floors

It is fantastic news that you finally decided to settle on a wooden floor throughout your home and now you have many years of walking on this excellent surface ahead of you and it will pretty much take care of itself but there are some things that you should be encouraged to do to help keep it in tiptop condition. Now that winter is approaching, there’s going to be many different things on the bottom of shoes tracked into your home and it is going to really affect your beautiful wooden floor.

This is why you need to have a regular floor maintenance routine that includes osmo oil that will help to seal and protect your wooden floor so that it continues to look fantastic every single day. You have made a significant investment in this floor and so it seems only right that you should receive some tips here today, on how to properly maintain your wooden floors today, tomorrow and 10 years from now.

  • Wipe spillages immediately – If you spill any kind of liquid on the floor, it is advised that you give it an immediate attention and you clean it up straight away. You can use either a clean, dry or damp cloth and try to avoid using a wet mop. You probably remember from your physics class that wood expands and contracts depending on the heat in the room and the moisture as well.
  • Add some pads – Every time that you try to move yourself sofa, armchair or coffee table, there is an increasing likelihood that you will scrape the surface of your floor and even though you have already applied osmo oil, scratches they still look are and so it makes perfect sense that you would invest in furniture pads to place on the legs and feet of your furniture.
  • Applying new coats of protection – This is where your osmo oil comes into play because this is a very thing that is going to protect your wooden floor over the long. It always makes sense to try to refinish your floor every five years or so, so that it looks as good as it did the first time that you had put down.

If you follow these three simple pieces of advice then there’s no reason why your wooden floor shouldn’t last you a lifetime. You have made an excellent decision here because not only is it providing you with an excellent surface to walk upon but you’re adding value to your property as well.

Photo by Aurelien Thomas on Unsplash