How To ‘Steal’ Time To Practice Your Favorite Musical Instrument

Playing a musical instrument, having a job, and taking care of your family, must be tough to juggle with. Too many times, your passion comes in last, and you may feel annoyed after a while. If you are a guitar player, a pianist, or a violinist, even if just in your spare time, you need time to practice. Should you recognize yourself in this scenario, the following tips will help you make room for practice in your life.

Schedule time for practice

This may sound like the most logical thing to do, yet so many people fail to do it. If you have a passion, you must find time for it. And if there’s no time for it in your busy schedule, make time for it. Even if it may sound a little harsh to those around you, you need to make it crystal clear for them so that they understand it.

You need your time to practice, and when you practice, there should be no interruptions unless there’s some emergency. Teaching the other people at home to respect your practice time will help you. But the first step you need to undertake is to schedule this time you need for practicing your favorite instrument. Your family will get used to the program.

Focus on what you want to achieve

When you play a musical instrument, your practice must focus on various aspects. Maybe you want to work on those things that seem to elude you. The whole point of practice is to repeat something so that you can become better in that respective area of interest.

Or maybe you want to play a specific musical piece to perfection. Your goals may differ from one month to another, but the key to success is consistency. Therefore, you should not jump from one thing to another too fast, or your efforts will not amount to much.

Another thing to bear in mind here is that you should start your practice, knowing what you want to do. No matter what you intend to achieve, being aware of your goals, and defining them will help you make the best of your practice sessions.

Create a routine that works for you

While you may succeed in scheduling two practice sessions in one week, but the next is too busy for even one, you may not end up progressing too much. In addition to scheduling, you should also make practice a routine that works for you.

Choose those moments of the week when it’s most likely that no one else will need you and there are no other chores you must take care of. Set times in your schedule for your practice and create a routine that will really help you progress.

When nothing seems to work

It may be that even if you try to follow the above advice, you still feel like there’s no time to practice, or, at least, not enough. Therefore, you must focus on something else. If you’re too busy, it means that you have no room left on your plate. Actually, this might mean that your plate is so loaded that stuff from it begins to fall.

This is a good moment to take a good look at your schedule and decide what you should drop from it. They can’t all be equally important, so learn how to prioritize. You may even have to make some sacrifices, but, if you’re truly serious about your passion, you must find time for it.

Don’t forget to pick a musical instrument that’s ideal for your level. Visit for more information on what you should choose and other advice.

Photo | Pixabay

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