Libido Labyrinth: What to Do When Your Partner Has a Lower Sex Drive

For those lost in the maze of mediocre libidos, take solace in the fact that many couples in long-term relationships experience changes in their sex lives over the years. Remember, these changes are normal and should be expected in the face of milestone moments like having a baby or mundane changes starting a new medication. Whether you’re approaching your golden years or grappling with the anxieties of everyday life, these circumstances can hinder the libido of both partners. 

If you’re beginning to notice that your partner is saying no more often than usual, it can be difficult not to feel rejected if you’re the partner with a higher sex drive. But it is important to remember that you are not alone in your sexless strifes. Behind closed doors, many couples specifically seek out counseling when one partner is dealing with lower libido. 

If understanding the nuances of the female sex drive and reviving a lackluster libido takes top priority, remember to talk to your partner face-to-face before you draw any conclusions. While frantically flipping through medical journals may shed new light on sex drive killers, an open and honest conversation with your partner is a truly invaluable resource. 

For men who are experiencing a recent dip in sex and intimacy with their partner, there are things you can do to help.

Normalize talking about sex

If you and your partner hope to get to the bottom of any issue you are experiencing in the bedroom, you have to communicate with each other effectively. Take out any awkwardness or hesitation when you go into a discussion with your wife or girlfriend. Remember, sex can be a touchy subject for some couples. But as long as you can listen to your partner and express your concerns without placing blame or shame, you will be able to have a productive conversation. 

Sometimes, low libido may be caused by outside forces unrelated to you at all. Stress at work, worries about the kids, or even the side effects of a new medication could cause anyone’s libido to waver. Because of these potential factors that could inhibit libido, remember not to take it personally if you experience a dip in sexual intimacy. 

Practice intimacy without focusing on sex

There are many ways to practice intimacy with your partner without putting the focus on sex. When having sex is the end goal, it can add unnecessary pressure to an already potentially tense situation. There are many ways to reintroduce intimacy into your partnership, including spending quality alone time together or incorporating more kisses and touches.

Consider couples therapy if needed

If you can afford it, and the problems in your relationship have gone on for enough time to cause concern, you and your partner may want to consider finding a sex or couples therapist. There is no shame in taking a step back and enlisting professional help to work on your relationship. If the partnership is worth the investment to you, you’ll reap the benefits of seeing a licensed therapist. 

In conclusion

In conclusion, changes in your and your partner’s libido are bound to happen throughout the years. When you find your partner is in a sex slump, approach them with concern and be open-minded toward whatever they have to say. Your sex life will greatly benefit from clear and open communication.

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