Newborn Care: 5 Tips for Stressed-Out Parents

Your baby’s first cry can make you feel excited and give you some power too. But the happiness of a newborn soon gets balanced when it’s time to start caring for your newborn’s needs. Even though caring for your newborn baby might be your life’s most memorable and satisfying experience, it can be pretty demanding and exhausting.

The initial days with newborns can be quite challenging as your baby wants to feed frequently. On top of it, you’re still figuring out why your newborn is crying. Newborn babies aren’t easy to take care of with unpredictable sleeping routines, making you overwhelmed and stressed. As a result, you might give up as you can’t develop an ideal plan for your newborn and yourself. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back!

Here are some valuable tips to guide you in caring for your newborn baby, helping make your transition into parenthood simpler.

Go for routine checkups

One of the most effective tips to take care of your baby is to visit the doctor often. Seeing the doctor frequently helps you monitor your baby’s development and growth. The doctor will check for any troubles by performing a thorough physical exam during the checkup. For instance, the doctor can check your baby for severe diseases like Mesothelioma. They can scan your newborn’s lungs to see the damage it has done, allowing you to get your baby treated for it early. You can learn more about and take steps to improve your baby’s health.

Besides that, routine checkups allow your baby to get vaccines to protect them against common diseases such as measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc. Your doctor will likely ask questions about your medical history to highlight if the baby is at risk for any diseases.

In addition, you must have questions too. Don’t hesitate to ask them anything. Instead, write down your question beforehand so you remember them.

Learn the bathing basics

learning the proper techniques to give a bath to your newborn is crucial for health and cleanliness and can become a fun time for your newborn. Your newborn must bathe with a sponge bath for the first couple of weeks. This is one of the best ways to clean your baby without getting soaking wet.

However, before bathing your newborn, keep your newborn occupied in a baby swing, and remember to warm up the room a little to keep the baby comfortable. Ensure you have all the supplies within your reach. Your supply list should have all the essentials like:

  • Clean diapers
  • Baby towel
  • Washcloth
  • Padding for hard surfaces like a blanket
  • Mild baby soap
  • Bowl of warm water

After you have got your supplies, lower your newborn gently into the bowl or bath using a hand to hold their upper arm and support their shoulders and head. Use your other hand to clean them with water without any splashing. However, try bathing together if your newborn seems scared of bathing and cries. Ensure that the water isn’t too hot.

Build a routine

Do you know routines give newborn babies a sense of security and stability? Creating a routine can help your baby feel safe in their environment. This gives them an understanding of daily events and procedures and learns what is expected of them. But how can you build a routine for your newborn? Start by teaching your baby the difference between day and night. Newborns cannot distinguish between day and night initially. Hence, helping them learn to tell day or night allows you to create a routine.

Besides that, consider keeping your newborn’s routine as consistent as possible, particularly when they’re still trying to get used to it. Being consistent helps them understand certain things happen at specific times. For instance, if you want to incorporate a daily outing, try fitting it around your baby’s sleep and feeding time.

Use a Heating Pad

You might have cracked it already; newborn babies love to be held all the time. Your newborn has entered some cold and strange world; it’s no question they the most comfort in your chest, listening to your heartbeat. But the inconvenience it causes when it’s the only place your newborn wants to be is reasonable. Hence, if you want a free hand here, why don’t you consider using a heating pad? A heating pad allows you to heat the area you want to put your baby in before placing them.

However, ensure you never put your baby while the heating pad is still on or leave the pad unsupervised. Always remember to turn it off after you use it every time. In addition, avoid making the place very hot; try using it in medium mode and remove it after a couple of minutes.

Get the baby tracker app

Face it; with a newborn baby, you can’t keep track of when was the last time your newborn had a wet diaper, slept, or ate. There are too many details about your newborn’s health and habits you can’t possibly remember, which must be noted. Hence, consider using a tracker app to make your life easier. With a tracker app, you won’t have to go over the process of trying to remember everything that happened in a day with your baby. This not only prevents you from feeling overwhelmed but reduces your stress.

When you start keeping track of your little one’s daily activities, you get a clear vision of the average number of hours they sleep or naps they take. Not just that, a tracker app tells you when your newborn prefers to sleep and what are the obvious cues. Thanks to the baby tracker apps, you can see what happens during bedtime and at night, what does or doesn’t work or how they react to lack of sleep.

Final thoughts

Caring and handling a newborn can make you feel anxious and stressed. However, the tips mentioned above can help you transition into parenthood easily, making you a pro in parenting! 

Photo by RODNAE Productions at Pexels