When is the Best Time to Act on Child Custody Headaches?

As a mother, the last thing you want to be dealing with is a legal dispute. Sadly, when children are involved, legal disputes become increasingly common. Neither parent wants to be seen as the ‘wrong’ one, especially in a court of law, so they will often fight to ridiculous degrees to get what they desire. However, if you have waited long enough for child custody problems to be settled fairly, you might need to bring in a professional expert.

Before you do that, though, you should make sure that you have a strong case to answer. Bringing in a legal professional like a child custody lawyer should be the ‘nuclear’ option. Hopefully, you can find some form of agreement between both parties before you reach this point. The best time to act on child custody, though, would be the moment the discussion begins to become aggressive.

If you notice a change in tone from passive to aggressive, it might be wise to bring in some legal support. The reason for this is pretty simple: a change in mannerism from the other party suggests they have received some legal advice. When a change in mood and in tone takes place, it usually points to the other party receiving the legal counsel of their own.

They might have changed their approach to become more provocative and confrontational on the advice given. With that in mind, you should probably start looking for legal support of your own.

Finding the right child custody lawyer

If you want to make sure that you can pick out legal support that suits your situation, then ask yourself the following:

·        Who is the best child custody lawyer near me? Who comes with a strong reputation?

·        How many years of experience does the child custody lawyer I am considering have?

·        What kind of child custody issues am I facing? What are the main reasons for taking this on?

·        Could the situation be resolved outside of court once legal professionals lay out the issues?

·        When could I expect a decision to be made? Could this be settled quickly, or is it a long-term battle?

·        How likely – or unlikely – are the arguments I am putting across going to convince the authorities?

·        Is there anything going on in child custody that I have not mentioned or brought up yet to lawyers?

I recommend that you think very closely about the above. It should inform you of the battle ahead and how likely it is that you will eventually reach the inside of a courtroom. Look to online reviews, as well asking people who you know have had troubles with family law in the past.

For example, someone in the Bay Area might find a family law specialist like Viola Law who could offer what they need. It is important that you work out where the situation is going, how likely it is that you need legal support, and how serious the custody battle is going to be.

When should you bring in legal support, though? The minute the tone changes. As soon as you notice a shift in demeanor from the other parent, it is likely they have already received legal insight to challenge you.

Image by Chuck Underwood from Pixabay