Episode 46: Lisa Lawler Talks About White-Collar Wives

In 2007, Lisa Lawler was struck with a thunderbolt when her husband confessed that he had embezzled money, a total of $2.5 million, from the company he once worked for. He had previously told her that he had been having an affair with one of her best friends. Lisa divorced her husband, but because she had signed their joint tax return, the IRS sent her a $384,000 bill for taxes, penalties, and interest. On top of all that came the social stigma. How could she not have know what her husband was doing? But Lisa is strong and a survivor. She set out, not only to help herself, but to help others with first a blog, then an online support group, and now a book, The White-Collar Wives Survival Guide. Lisa talks with Woman Around Town’s Editor Charlene Giannetti about her journey and what led her to try to help other wives suffering her fate.
The website: The White-Collar Wives Project
The book: The White-Collar Wives Survival Guide