Morning Motivations – A Valentine’s Day Reminder: Fall in Love with Yourself

It’s Monday, February 8, and that means that Valentine’s Day is less than a week away, with its emphasis on romantic love, and the unspoken notion that if you don’t have someone right now, you’re somehow “less” than those who do.
People think finding the right partner will fill a hole, make them “whole,” and solve all of their problems. But another person can never do those things for you. You have to do them for yourself. You have to fall in love with yourself.
My column today is to remind you that you don’t need a boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other to make Valentine’s Day special. You just have to care about someone, anyone to embrace Valentine’s Day, and I suggest that you make that someone you – everyday!
TIP 1: Treat Your Self Like You Treat Your Best Friend!
- Make a promise to yourself that you will talk to yourself in a loving way, today and every day. I always say, if you would not say it to someone you love, than do not say it to yourself!
- Add yourself to the list for a gift!
- Is there something you really want – go and buy it!
- You do not need anyone else to buy you flowers or chocolates – buy them for yourself any day of the year. In fact, make every day a special occasion.
TIP 2: Ask Yourself What Do You Need?
- Ask yourself the following:
- What do I need right now?
- Do I need some alone time?
- Do I need people in my life more? Who makes me feel good?
- Do I need to explore different career opportunities?
- Do I need a creative outlet?
- Do I need to simplify my life?
- Do I need to have more fun?
- Do I need to move more?
- Do I need to get myself out of a rut by learning something new?
TIP 3: Develop Positive Habits for You!
I have developed many positive habits over the years. Here are some of them:
- I wake up in the morning with a prayer to be thankful that I’m here for another day, and every night I end my day with a prayer of appreciation for all the good in my life!
- I reach out to someone I love every day – to remind them that they are loved.
- I exercise.
- I meditate.
- I eat healthy. No dairy.
TIP 4: Take Yourself Out on a Date
- Go to your favorite place, and eat your favorite food.
- Become comfortable with doing things by yourself sometimes. You’ll become comfortable with yourself and be happier for it.
- Remind yourself what good company you are!
Remind yourself that you and you alone are enough. Always be kind, compassionate, and gentle with yourself. Fall in love with yourself and live your best life!
Top Photo of Lisa Bien, Credit: Dana Romano Photography
Lisa Bien is a motivational speaker and coach whose column appears twice a month on Woman Around Town. For more information on Lisa, go to her website.