We’re Still Here

This year’s Women’s March in New York was blessed with beautiful, sunny weather, after days of brutal cold. It made all of us feel as though someone was smiling down on us — more than 200,000 of us.

Last year, women were angry and stunned.  This year, it seemed, there was also lots of humor, lots of intergenerational
solidarity, lots of husbands and boyfriends, and lots of diversity. As one of the signs put it, “We’re Still Here,” and
we aren’t going away.

Marches are inspirational for the marchers. It binds like minded people together. It makes us feel powerful. This year, it became clearer than ever that women remain politically energized and active. We are engaged and focused like a
laser beam on overturning the nation’s Republican Congress in 2018. Getting out the vote is the key to that, and women are
becoming the driving force to increased voter registration.

Last year may have been the year of Trump, but 2018 may prove to be the Year of Progressive Women in Politics. To
everyone marching, it sure felt that way.

Text and Photos by Eleanor Foa Dienstag

About Eleanor Foa Dienstag (36 Articles)
Eleanor Foa Dienstag is a veteran author, journalist, photo-journalist and award-winning corporate writer. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Harper's, the New Republic, the New York Observer, Ms., Travel & Leisure, and many other websites and publications. Eleanor is the author of three books. Her most recent, available on Amazon and Centro Primo Levi is MIXED MESSAGES: Reflections on an Italian Jewish Family and Exile. It is a multi-layered memoir about Eleanor’s personal journey, her father’s exile from Fascist Italy and the Foa Family journey, whose Italian-Jewish roots go back to the 1500s in northern Italy where her ancestors were famous printers. WHITHER THOU GOEST: The Story of an Uprooted Wife, also a memoir, was acclaimed by Business Week for its insights into corporate life. Her third book, In Good Company: 125 Years At The Heinz Table, offered a unique view of a quintessential American company. Eleanor served as staff speechwriter to the Chairman and CEO of American Express. In 1983, she founded Eleanor Foa Associates (www.eleanorfoa.com). It provides a wide variety of corporate writing and marketing services. Eleanor is past president of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), received speechwriting awards from IABC, and was awarded literary residencies at Yaddo, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA). She resides in Manhattan.