Poet’s Corner – Happy Birthday, America!

Fireworks shoot through the sky;
Independence waves a flag;
Children squeal with such delight;
Uncle Sam parades with swag.

England in the rearview mirror;
Stars and stripes begin to wave;
Soldiers fighting for America,
Even from their graves.

Apple pie at Grandmas;
Grilling sweet-corn in the husk.
Every yard a celebration;
With sparklers lit at dusk.

Fried Chicken ‘neath the Willow;
Potato Salad too;
Hot Dogs at the All-Star Game:
It’s all Red, White and Blue.

Sparklers spark the children;
Stories, remember when:
We’re the greatest of the land;
Not today, but then.

Still, America’s resilient;
We’re not daunted by some laws,
That politicians seem to strike;
Up against our iron jaws.

You see, we know our government;
And we know what’s wrong and right:
Two birds of different colors,
But only one masters the flight.

Is it the devilish of Stellars,
Stealing eggs from families?
Or the Eagle, that’s our treasure;
Flying high with Liberty:

Eschewing all the darkness,
And setting free the light–
To shine down on each one of us–
Like our flag waved that fateful night.

Happy Birthday my America:
Shine bright and faithful, Dear:
Your liberty inspires us,
And reminds us not to fear.

Oh America the Beautiful,
You’re the beacon for us all;
And we’ll fight to keep you ‘free at last’:
It’s our patriotic call.

Top photo: Bigstock

About Robin Clark (62 Articles)
Robin, born in Talent Oregon, now resides in Bellevue, a community outside of Seattle Washington. She is a published poet, OP-ED writer and Children's story author. She is currently in partnership with a composer who has asked her to write the book for his next musical. She is also being courted by assorted Directors to write a stage play and her dream is to leave a legacy in words, where you come to realize anything is possible.