Poet’s Corner – No One’s Asking You

No one’s asking you
To change your mind.
Or find
A new way to breathe;
To exhale the bitter,
The madness or goodness.
We are only human.

No one is asking you
To spare your sword
Of words,
Which slice into the darkness
Like a star
Or moon’s crescent.
We’re just asking you to be decent.

No one’s asking you
To beat your drum
To the rhythms of a neighbor;
Or labor
To find a path:
Igniting wrath, upon another.
We don’t seek to be your lover.

We care
That we share truth
Whether it be dark or light
Be fair
Fair in the storm,
Fair to what’s right
Don’t grab your facts
From man’s thin-aired
Feeble attempts
To bend your light.

Own your grace and courage:
With its faults or promise.
Because it is what softens edges:
Opens doors;
Opens hearts;
Not to say
You have a way
Of turning your back on life.
But more,
To say
You needn’t stray
From the beauty in it.

No one’s asking you to still:
But, listen;
Christen the new day;
For it may be the only one
To walk.
To knock
On the doors of other ideas.

No one is asking;
You need no invitations
To discover;
All that is to be.

Still look to the doors:
They await your knock;
You hold their only key.

And in their quiet
They are waiting;
You to knock;
You to discover
Another journey;
Baiting you to find yourself.

To catch…
No one’s asking.

Top photo – Bigstock

About Robin Clark (62 Articles)
Robin, born in Talent Oregon, now resides in Bellevue, a community outside of Seattle Washington. She is a published poet, OP-ED writer and Children's story author. She is currently in partnership with a composer who has asked her to write the book for his next musical. She is also being courted by assorted Directors to write a stage play and her dream is to leave a legacy in words, where you come to realize anything is possible.