Jeff Harnar sings Sammy Cahn All The Way Thirty-four years into musical marriage, Jeff Harnar and Alex Rybeck epitomize fertile affinity. Both artists continue to grow while [...]June 20, 2017
The 27th New York Cabaret Convention: Opening Night And so they gather once again like migrated birds instinctively drawn to the annual Cabaret Convention, the smorgasbord of an art still [...]October 20, 2016
Jeff Harnar sings The 1959 Broadway Songbook – Stellar! On the 25th Anniversary of this show’s original opening, (the vocalist’s debut at the fabled Oak Room of The Algonquin Hotel), and the [...]August 16, 2016
Manhattan Serenade – Celia Berk On April 3 the much acclaimed Celia Berk performed, again at the Metropolitan Room, to introduce her new CD (released April 1), Manhattan [...]April 7, 2016