Downton Abbey Road: The Best of Britain- Charming “The British invasion” Eric Comstock and Barbara Fasano point out, did not, in fact, begin with the Beatles. Long before arrival of The [...]December 22, 2016
The 27th New York Cabaret Convention: Opening Night And so they gather once again like migrated birds instinctively drawn to the annual Cabaret Convention, the smorgasbord of an art still [...]October 20, 2016
Barbara Fasano: “You’re Never Just Singing Songs…” Twenty years as a cabaret/concert artist has not dimmed the rigorous attention to high standards, curiosity, passion, personal and [...]September 19, 2016
Eric Comstock & Barbara Fasano: Sun! Skin! Sin! Sinatra! Sunday afternoon I took a mini-vacation with Eric Comstock and Barbara Fasano- well, me and the rest of the audience at Birdland. Like [...]July 20, 2016