Forty Times Two Twenty times two, thirty times two, and forty times two! Significant numbers only if related to our birthdays. Today’s population values [...]February 24, 2018
From Shopping to Dieting – The Impact of TV Commercials A delicious January day to be snowed in…an opportunity to hop off the tread mill and create one’s own schedule. Roads are too bad to [...]January 7, 2018
Thanksgiving Stuffing – A New Version Dusk is descending, turkey dinner is finished, and the soft hum of TV echoes the cheers of football games. Thoughts wander, and the reality [...]November 25, 2017
Spreading “ FUNshine” in the Older Years Today marks a full four months and six days since my hubby of sixty years and I moved to our Happy-Ever-After retirement community cottage. [...]November 3, 2017
Sitting On an Egg…. Last month, April the Giraffe gave birth to a baby boy named Tajiri, meaning HOPE in Swahilli. The gestation period lasted sixteen months. [...]May 14, 2017
The Ultimate Move: Accepting with Grace Older age, if we are lucky to experience it, presents changes. Some are welcome, some are iffy. Some are necessary, like it or not. Last [...]January 19, 2017
Our Women Around Town 2016 For eight years in a row, we have featured outstanding women on our website. The trend continued this year as we were able to tell our [...]December 28, 2016
Accepting Change and the Need to Downsize As we walk outdoors to inhale the crisp fresh air, we see autumn all around us. Fluttering leaves, gently dropping off the trees, colors [...]November 23, 2016