Subways Are For Sleeping – Charming The third and last in Musicals In Mufti’s Jule Styne series is 1961/62 Subways Are For Sleeping. Handicapped by initially negative [...]February 27, 2018
Musicals in Mufti: Hallelujah Baby! York Theatre’s 108th Musicals in Mufti, Hallelujah Baby!, was an attempt by its four liberal authors to put salve on race torn America. [...]January 30, 2018
Me & Ella – (Fitzgerald), An Entertaining Tribute “…Dear Ms. Fitzgerald…The first time I saw you was on tv…You were singing…clear and velvety smooth…like you were making a [...]July 22, 2017
Milk and Honey – Heart and Humor Jerry Herman’s first (1961) Broadway effort has Israeli flavor (including Hebrew) without awkwardness or polemic. Herman and book writer [...]January 31, 2017
A Taste of Things to Come – Cookin’ Up Friendship Take your mother, your daughters, your nieces, your friends. What works in this piece sheds light on the lives of women as they first broke [...]November 18, 2016