Hell on Earth – The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS This is one of the most terrifying films I’ve ever seen. It is also one of the most eye-opening, important, and memorable. The [...]June 12, 2017
In Search of Israeli Cuisine In the early-70’s, I spent over three months on a kibbutz in the Negev. It was an amazing experience in many ways, but the food was not [...]April 4, 2017
New Mosque Rises in Prince Georges County, MD Even though it was near a local high school, it was always a quiet neighborhood in Lanham, MD. That all changed in 2012, when a massive [...]August 29, 2016
A Passage to Istanbul What are the odds for sitting on an international flight by Turkish Airlines with fantastic food of mixed east-west aroma flanked by one [...]December 26, 2013