
Woman Around Town’s Editor Charlene Giannetti and writers for the website talk with the women and men making news in New York, Washington, D.C., and other cities around the world. Thanks to Ian Herman for his wonderful piano introduction.

job offer

The New American Dreamer—From Dreams to Reality


You have done a great job at interviewing for a job and now you sit by the phone and wait for it to ring, right? Wrong.

After impressing everyone at the interview you came home and sent a thank you note not just to the person interviewing you, but also to anyone who attended and sat in on the actual interview. Make sure to spell names correctly; it would be a shame to blow it now by accidentally turning a “Mr.” into a Ms.”

Immediately after that you need to turn your head toward positions elsewhere, not allowing yourself to become complacent but rather to use the success of this interview to buoy you to another. Doing begets doing.

As you begin to look into other options you may even hear the telephone ring with an offer. At first they might simply be requesting a second interview. In many industries this is a necessary step and you might even be asked to come back a third time. Remember that the same principles apply to each interview: be impressive and be consistent.

Depending on your industry there may also be a background check and reference check. Best to contact references even if they know you are using their names, and alert them to any particulars from the previous interview so that they might be better ready to answer specific questions.

When the process is over and an offer is made, take a few deep breaths before answering even if you already know what you want. Don’t feel pressured to say yes on the spot. Tell the hiring manager how happy you are to hear from them and that you are certainly interested but would like a chance to discuss this offer with your family.

We know how easy it is to jump at the first offer when you need a job but look at the offer closely just to make sure you understand what the offer is and how it may suit you. Any business would rather you decline an offer that isn’t right than accept the position only to leave soon after so consider these aspects of the offer before your answer:

Money – Obviously this is one of the primary reasons for taking the job so make sure this job gives you enough to pay bills but also that the amount is enough to make you feel you are being paid what you’re worth. If not, you will only have resentment later.

Benefits – Take a long look at the benefits package if there is one. Find out what amounts you are being asked to contribute and see how entering into family plans affect the package. Also ask when the benefits kick in, which sometimes may be as long as ninety days. Other important considerations are vacation time and 401K contributions.

Travel – If it wasn’t specifically enunciated during the interview they might present how much travel the position will involve. Make sure it is in line with your capabilities.

Culture – What is the dress code? Are you expected to attend many social events? Are your religious holidays on their holiday calendar? Do some research before deciding how to respond to the offer.

Goals – Lastly take a look at how this position fits into your future career and life plans.

You may end up accepting or declining a job on the phone, but it also may be a good idea to follow up in writing to confirm the details. In this letter or email make certain to again thank them for the offer and state your decision clearly as well as the general terms of the agreement. Either way be brief and grateful.

Congratulations. It’s been a long hard road but you have done everything you can to put yourself in a position for success. Keep in mind this job is an opportunity to achieve your dreams and have an idea of how it fits into your overall life plan. Even if it isn’t the ideal position you should take the attitude that you can turn this position into something more than it was intended to be.

With your new position and new dreams in place you are now well on your way to becoming all that you can be. You did it. Dream on!

Jason Veduccio is a hard-working entrepreneur following his dreams, and he wants you to dream, too. Drawing on his experiences working with companies on marketing, technology, hiring, and workplace issues, his regular column will demystify the job search process and identify strategies for moving up the corporate ladder. Founder of In1Concepts, Jason also knows the ins and outs of launching a new business. He welcomes your questions and can be reached at jason@in1concepts.com.