Covid-19 Outbreak – Ways You Can Help Now to Support Businesses, Arts, and People

The Covid-19 outbreak has certainly disrupted our usual routines. Sports fans will not have games and tournaments to look forward to, theaters are closing temporarily, and large group gatherings are being eliminated. There are a number of ways that our readers can support each other and the institutions around us. Caring for our personal health and the future economic health of friends and neighbors is paramount. These times will pass and people will be excited to resume their favorite activities. In the meantime, check out some things you can do right now.

Stay in Touch – Visit business and art institution web sites frequently or call them to find out what plans they are making that will affect you. Many places are also posting their plans on social media accounts. That may include changes in their operating hours, policies, and closures.

Subscribe – Even though museums and theaters are temporarily closed, there are programs being planned. Check out subscriptions and ticketing opportunities for the future.

Donate – If you have already made an entertainment or hospitality purchase that you may not use, consider gifting it to a good cause for their gala or a silent auction. Not only are you supporting a charity of your choice, but you are elevating the visibility of the institution.

Purchase Gift Cards – There is no better way to look forward to the future than with a night out on the town, a show, restaurant outing, or a special item from a merchant. With spring holidays around the corner, put a smile on someone’s face with a gift card and get them for yourself. Businesses are happy to make them available and the cards help their current financial picture.

Leave a Tip –  Many part time workers rely heavily on their tips. If you are picking up an order, accepting a food delivery, or taking a ride share, leave a tip for those people who continue to work hard. 

Let Them Know You Care –  For all people, including those in the arts, hospitality, medical, and business communities that are affected by the outbreak of Covid-19, a kind note of thanks for all they do and letting them know you care will brighten someone’s day. An e-mail or hand-written note is all it takes. Positivity goes a long way to keep people feeling good about their work and the good times to come.

Of Course, Continue Good Hygiene Practices – Hand washing, using hand sanitizer, and social distancing helps to keep the public safe.

We are all in it together to keep our family and friends healthy and support each other during these trying times.

The local, state and federal response to the Covid-19 outbreak is ever-changing. Refer to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for up to date information. Visit:

About Marina P. Kennedy (147 Articles)
Marina Kennedy began her writing career when her four children were grown and she returned to college to study in the humanities. She is delighted to be a contributor for Woman Around Town. The majority of her articles focus on the culinary scene, theatre, and travel. Marina and her husband Chuck enjoy the rich cultural experiences of the New York metro area and beyond. She hopes that readers like reading her articles as much as she enjoys writing them.