Easy Everyday Environmentalism

Make a big impact on the environment with a few simple changes to your family’s shopping habits.  We have tips for Woman Around Town readers that are easy to implement every day!

Buying local – Purchasing local items not only supports the community but it also cuts down on the shipping of products from out of your region. Grocery stores often post what produce is grown locally.  And shopping at a farmer’s market is always a pleasurable experience.

Reusable produce bags – Bring along mesh produce bags when you grocery shop to replace plastic bags. They not only make shopping easier, but they are also machine washable and dryable  so they are easy to keep clean.

Your own shopping basket – If you like to use hand held shopping baskets, consider purchasing one of your own.  It can be used to collect your groceries, unloaded at the check out, and then repacked instead of using bags.  Shopping baskets can also be very fashionable in a nice variety of styles.

Cut down plastic consumption – The United States has greater plastic consumption than any other country in the world. Note that not all of the plastics that you recycle get reused and they do not biodegrade. Get in the habit of using refillable water bottles and encourage other family members to do so.

Plan in advance – Bring a list.  If you stick to a meal plan, you are less likely to do any impulse buying that may result in costly food waste. 

Spice it up – Identify the spices you use most and buy them in larger containers. Not only will you be conserving plastics, but you will likely save money by purchasing a greater quantity.

Look for eco-friendly and earth-friendly products – These include products that have been made from recycled materials. They often include commonly used paper products.

Less packaging saves in several ways – The production of excessive packaging materials hurts the environment and the products often cost more money so look for items that are minimally packaged. Instead of buying pre-packaged items like carrots and dip or a prepared fruit salad, you can pack them yourself in reusable containers.

Natural Cleaning Products – Explore the world of vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice,  and other natural items for your household cleaning. Try to use fewer chemicals for your cleaning purposes.

Compost and compost some more – Many communities are now composting to reduce waste.  Educate yourself on the benefits of composting at home and what methods could be convenient for your lifestyle.

Wrap and rewrap – Find out about some of the reusable products on the market that can replace plastic wrap, plastic bags, and tin foil. These include silicone stretch lids to cover bowls and beeswax wraps.

Join the other caring members of your community and be someone who is environmentally aware and making a difference!

Top photo: Bigstock

About Marina P. Kennedy (147 Articles)
Marina Kennedy began her writing career when her four children were grown and she returned to college to study in the humanities. She is delighted to be a contributor for Woman Around Town. The majority of her articles focus on the culinary scene, theatre, and travel. Marina and her husband Chuck enjoy the rich cultural experiences of the New York metro area and beyond. She hopes that readers like reading her articles as much as she enjoys writing them.