Poet’s Corner: Golden Bet

Golden, golden woman
Pouring out her light
Into the corners where the night
Stole space inside my head,
Her wisdom spread
As gloriously as a summer sky.
Mother and friend,
You never end
To bridge the rifts between myself and I,
To unify
Faith and surrender in a single smile.
It’s been a fascinating while,
And I am closer yet
To the most you have bet
I’ll ever be:

Maria-Cristina Necula’s book of poetry, Evanescent, can be pre-ordered on Finishing Line Press.

Top photo: Bigstock

About Maria-Cristina Necula (183 Articles)
Maria-Cristina Necula’s published work includes the books "The Don Carlos Enigma: Variations of Historical Fictions" and "Life in Opera: Truth, Tempo and Soul," two translations: "Europe à la carte" and Molière’s "The School for Wives," and the collection of poems "Evanescent." Her articles and interviews have been featured in "Classical Singer" Magazine, "Opera America," "Das Opernglas," "Studies in European Cinema," and "Opera News." As a classically trained singer she has performed in the New York City area at Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall, Merkin Hall, Florence Gould Hall, and the Westchester Broadway Theatre, and has presented on opera at The Graduate Center, Baruch, The City College of New York, and UCLA Southland. She speaks six languages, two of which she honed at the Sorbonne University in Paris and the University of Vienna, and she holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from The Graduate Center, CUNY. In 2022, Maria-Cristina was awarded a New York Press Club Award in the Critical Arts Review category for her review of Matthew Aucoin's "Eurydice" at the Metropolitan Opera, published on Woman Around Town. She is a 2022-24 Fellow of The Writers' Institute at The Graduate Center.