Why Am I Getting a Massage and What Does My Doctor Think About It?

I would like to talk about simple actions that make life better. This article is about why you should get regular massages. Everyone knows about it, but few actually do it.

My personal experience

I don’t get a massage very often (once every couple of months on average), but I’ve been lucky to find the perfect body massage near me. Massage helps relieve neck and shoulder muscles, overstretched by sitting at the computer, and shins, clogged by walking. But first of all, it’s just pleasant: I love muscle pain and after a good massage the feeling the next day is like after a strength training session. In addition, I’ve been doing weights for many years and I’m usually too lazy to stretch, so the masseur does passive stretching for me.

I got massages most often during pregnancy — it was another great way to unload my back, in addition to my abs workouts. Massage is also a great way to close my eyes and not think about anything, not look at gadget screens, turn off the phone for a couple of hours. I don’t like talking to the masseur, I try to be quiet — and sometimes I even fall asleep.

Expert’s opinion 

Massage can be both general and local. It significantly improves blood supply to the internal organs and joints, accelerates the lymph flow, improves metabolism, which has a positive effect on the body’s overall immunity. For office workers is particularly relevant therapeutic and preventive massage. It is recommended for those who spend most of their working day in a sitting position or simply want to relieve stress at the end of the workweek.

In addition, more and more often even quite young people are faced with problems such as lumbar or cervical osteochondrosis, the latter headaches, prostatitis in men or inflammation of the appendages in women, and many others. All this is the result of a sedentary lifestyle and leads to fatigue and depression. To prevent these diseases doctors prescribe a course of massage individually, based on the characteristics of the human body.

Of course, massage has its own contraindications, such as acute inflammation of the blood and lymph vessels, varicose veins, acute myocardial ischemia, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels and brain vessels, and so on. Everything is very individual, so a preliminary consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

One more thing: some people position themselves as specialists after taking a two-week massage course. Remember that without knowledge of anatomy, no one can learn how to massage. The structure of the human body is taught for years, not in short-term courses. If you do not want to harm yourself, then choose a specialist with higher medical education and a state medical certificate, which is renewed every five years.


The main thing is to remember that any impact (mechanical, wave or electrical) disturbs the body’s normal rhythm of life. It needs time to accept the changes and recover. In spite of the strong desire to achieve a greater effect, it is not advisable to have too many procedures, as they may damage your health. At the same time, too infrequent procedures will not give the desired effect. If your doctor suggests that you have a massage every day for the best results, then I recommend that you go to another clinic.

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

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