Morning Motivation – Tips to Get Your Mojo Magic Back!
“Mojo.” “Inspiration.” “Get up and go.” “Zest for life.” Whatever you call it, you notice it when it is no longer there, and the pandemic has made it hard to keep our motivation.
Losing your mojo leaves you uninspired to climb off the sofa and get out there and shine to the world. Many of us don’t know what to do to get our mojo back, or even where to start.
Here are tips to help get you started:
Get Clear on Your Life Priorities
Robin Sharma, a top leadership expert, says it best, “Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.”
Write down what’s most important to you to get clarity about how you want to live your life and what you want it to look like. Think about what you need to do to get the life you want, then put those tasks at the very top of your to do list.
Change The Way You Think – It Creates A Positive Attitude
A good attitude is the basis for achieving your life goals. Your attitude determines how you react to adversity, your ability to grow and to learn, your ability to overcome challenges, and to bond with others.
Every time you have to choose between doing or thinking something that would help you get your mojo back – ask yourself this this one question;
“Is this decision/choice/action/thought/attitude going to get me closer to my goal of getting my mojo back or further away?”
If it is, DO IT! If it’s not, don’t.
Change Your Patterns
You are Brave! Do something different. Sign-up for a new class. Go to the gym after work if you can’t make it before. Change up your routine. Small improvements in your life will increase your sense of excitement and inspire you to make even more positive changes.
Use Your Inspiration as a Mojo Magnet
Once you find your passion and inspiration in one area, it will positively impact you in other areas.
For example, getting back on track with working out will make you feel energized, which will inspire you to achieve new goals at work and at home. You will be more productive and achieve more in less time. It becomes a positive cycle!
Make a Habit of Doing Things that are FUN – Create Feelings of Joy and Happiness
Remember, we create our own joy and happiness.
Meet a friend you haven’t seen in a while for coffee. Watch that movie you’ve wanted to see. Go on that hike you heard about.
Lisa Bien is a motivational speaker and coach whose column appears twice a month on Woman Around Town. For more information on Lisa, go to her website.