When I Miss Seeing You……

A difficult element of social distancing is the lack of personal contact with friends and family.  Virtual happy hours and parties are great for many people but raising a glass on Zoom doesn’t work for some of us. My husband and I are both in our sixties and we like to see our children, visit our friends and neighbors, or have Sunday dinner with the whole family.  Here are a few ideas for you to pass the time until we can be together again. These seven ideas are easy to accomplish and can keep your spirits up!

Sort out family photos. I have boxes and boxes of them, not in any particular order. By going through them, good times, happy faces, vacations and parties have come to life once again.

Garden. Even if you don’t have a “green thumb,” plant a seed, or propagate a plant and watch it grow. Knowing that it will flourish or bloom in the spring is uplifting. Plant something for a friend or neighbor to share later.

Cook. We have never made bread before. Try a new recipe and recruit people in your household to assist.  How about a warm soup for lunch or a luscious dessert to top off dinner? Recipes abound on the internet.

Make contact. We have set aside time in the evening to call or FaceTime our children daily.  Even though they are all busy working from home, we like to hear their voices, find out about their day, and know they are well. Even a short call is comforting.

Reconnect. We all have people who we care about but perhaps you haven’t had the time to connect with them lately. A check in call with an old friend, extended family member, or former colleague can really lift spirits.

Organize a closet a day. There’s a lot of organization that you’ve put on the back burner. There are treasures to be found in the back of your closet, on pantry shelves, and in desk drawers.

Learn something new. Your local library has a great deal of opportunities online. Check out their books, magazines, and language courses. Self-improvement is a positive way to be forward thinking.

Giving back. In these trying times we know that supporting and helping others has been an important part of getting through the Covid-19 outbreak. Plan to volunteer in the future and find out about ways that you can help your community.

About Marina P. Kennedy (171 Articles)
Marina Kennedy began her writing career when her four children were grown and she returned to college to study in the humanities. She is delighted to be a contributor for Woman Around Town. The majority of her articles focus on the culinary scene, theatre, and travel. Marina and her husband Chuck enjoy the rich cultural experiences of the New York metro area and beyond. She hopes that readers like reading her articles as much as she enjoys writing them.