Letting Go – Happy Autumn

It’s been a year of letting go–for all of us. I have watched all of you do it lovingly, truthfully and with a grace. I have seen some of you send your children off to school, let go of loved ones, while holding their hands, as you share your final moments; I have watched you let go of pets and loved them enough where you have euthanized them to make their journeys a little more painless as they travel on in peace. I have read where you have let go of family treasures in the tragedy of a storm’s greed; and then, turned to help your neighbors. I have even watched some of you let go of dreams, so there is a little more room for your loved ones to live theirs. All with a generosity as we look to a winter, not knowing what it holds for us and with a hope that spring comes early to remind us of life’s promise.
But as we let go, I am reminded that by doing so, we give way to new: new love; memories that warm our hearts and will for generations to come. We make room for the bounty of lessons learned and live a better life as a result.
I, like you, have let go of my share. Truth be, more than I really wanted to–but as I reflect and watch the leaves fall from my quince tree, I realize my gains. I have more compassion, empathy and a keen awareness that I am not alone on this journey. I have people like you in my heart, traveling paths so similar it could break a heart. But it doesn’t, instead, it and you give me a strength I didn’t really know existed. And a love, to hold us close through the seasons.
It is autumn, a time to snuggle up and reflect. A time to understand all of our blessings. A time to risk the pain of letting go and having the faith and courage to ask, is there really such a thing.
We are all connected…
Top photo: Bigstock