Poet’s Corner: What is the Best Time of Day to Write a Poem?

April is National Poetry Month. To celebrate, we are running lots of poems! First up, Esther Cohen who posts a poem every day on her website.

Some readers have suggested
that for national poetry
month I should give advice:
tell everyone
how to write a poem.
(I’m in the No Rules camp
so my lessons may not
be what you’re looking for.
This is not
a Master Class.
Sit down somewhere.
It doesn’t matter where.
Right now I am sitting
on a grey couch
that should probably
be replaced but finding 
a comfortable couch isn’t easy.
I am facing south
for no good reason.
I often write with a pen,
preferring ink
to my laptop.
laptop poems are
equally good. So
are poems written
with felt markers.
I often love marker poems.
Pick a first sentence:|
the poem begins
right here. Remember
that most words
are good although
sometimes they don’t say
what you’d hope.
If that happens,
write your poem again.
All times of day
are poem appropriate.
Don’t worry if your poem
is good. It probably is.

Top photo: Bigstock