Our Women Around Town 2016 For eight years in a row, we have featured outstanding women on our website. The trend continued this year as we were able to tell our [...]December 28, 2016
Waitress – Heart and Talent, But… On the one hand, Waitress is yet another story of a blue collar, abused woman who finds the strength to walk out of a loveless marriage [...]April 30, 2016
All the Way – When Things Got Done in Washington In his time, Lyndon Johnson had a reputation for being brash, ruthless, and, at times, crude. Compared to what we’ve witnessed in the [...]April 12, 2016
Adrienne Nelson as Lurleen Wallace and Muriel Humphrey In All the Way Lurleen Wallace and Muriel Humphrey – two women who were caught up in the political whirlwind that defined a decade. During the [...]March 28, 2016
Susan Rome Plays Lady Bird Johnson in Arena’s All the Way First Ladies often wield power behind the throne. After Nancy Reagan’s death, stories abounded about the influence she had during her [...]March 21, 2016