WAT-CAST: Nicole Lewis Talks About August Wilson’s Two Trains Running at Arena Stage

Nicole Lewis, who has appeared on Broadway in Hair, Rent, and Lennon, will make her Arena Stage debut in August Wilson’s Two Trains Running. Part of Wilson’s The Pittsburgh Cycle, the play takes place in the late 1960s, at a time when views on race were shifting in the post Civil Rights era, but also a time when urban renewal was bringing change to many city neighborhoods. A graduate of the Bronx High School of Science, Nicole entered Yale University aiming to become a doctor, but soon found herself drawn to acting. In addition to her theater credits, she has appeared in many TV shows, including Blue Bloods, The Blacklist, Law & Order SVU, and Odd Mom Out. In this interview with Woman Around Town’s Editor Charlene Giannetti, Nicole talks about her career, August Wilson, and why Two Trains Running is the perfect play to be seen now in our nation’s capital. Click to listen.