10 Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Now to Be Healthier

Becoming a healthier person doesn’t require monumental change. It’s the simple changes that add up to the big things. Small lifestyle changes are also more sustainable and easier to maintain than a major change to your current habits. 

It’s important to understand the health factors for life insurance. These can impact your life insurance rates and coverage by placing you into different rating classifications based on your health history and medical conditions. This classification can also disqualify you for coverage if you are determined to be high-risk. 

If you’re on the road to becoming a healthier version of yourself, here are 10 easy lifestyle changes you can make to help you get there. We’ll also discuss how your health can affect many other aspects of your life, from your finances to insurance premiums.

Why is physical health important?

Physical health is the foundation for overall wellness. If you want to live a long life, have plenty of energy to keep up with your daily activities, and enjoy life to the fullest, physical health and wellness are essential. Being healthy can lower the risk for chronic health conditions, give you more energy, boost your immunity, and improve your mental health. 

How does your health affect other areas of life?

Physical health is an important part of overall wellness, but there are other areas of health that are also interconnected. Mental health, emotional health, financial health, and social health are also important factors when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. One area of health can impact other areas of health because of this connection. 

10 Easy Lifestyle Changes to be Healthier

Changing your lifestyle to a healthier one doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul of your current habits. You can choose one or two of these easy lifestyle changes first, then work on additional changes once you are successful with a few. These small changes can lead to positively changing your lifestyle habits. 

#1 – Drink Water

Your body is about 60% water and it is truly essential for survival. It is needed to remove waste products, maintain digestive processes, maintain body temperature, and for fluid balance inside and outside our cells. 

Water is the best option to keep you hydrated. It is also calorie and sugar-free. If plain water doesn’t taste good or is too boring for you, try adding fruit or a sugar-free flavor enhancer. 

#2 – Make Physical Activity a Routine

Exercise boosts physical health but also affects your mind and your mood. There are numerous health benefits to participating in regular exercise and physical activity. 

This doesn’t mean you have to go to a gym or do an intense workout daily. It just means that you are moving more and sitting less. A regular physical activity routine includes going to the gym or working out but also includes normal daily activities like going for a walk, doing chores, or doing stretches. 

You should lessen sedentary behaviors like watching tv, using a laptop, playing video games, or using your mobile device. It may be necessary for work or school to use some of these devices, try to get up every so often to plan activities into your daily routine. 

#3 – Eat Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

A rainbow of different fruits and vegetables helps you get a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The different colors represent different antioxidants that help protect your cells, lower the risk for many chronic health issues, and boost health in other ways.  

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are the cheapest and best quality. Frozen fruits and vegetables are also a great option. Canned fruits and vegetables are also good — Just watch the sodium and sugar in these options. 

#4 – Manage Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. While we can’t control stress, we can learn to manage it appropriately and find ways to reduce stress so it doesn’t affect our health and wellness. 

It’s helpful to find the stress management techniques that work best for you and use them when needed. Stress management techniques include yoga, meditation, journaling, participating in a hobby, exercise, talking to someone, or spiritual practices. 

#5 – Get Plenty of Sleep

Most adults need six to eight hours of sleep each night but get far less than that. It can be challenging to get enough sleep when we have family and professional responsibilities that can interfere with the quality and quantity of sleep. 

A good bedtime routine, minimizing mobile devices, regular exercise, managing stress, and relaxation activities are all good ways to help you get a comfortable night’s sleep.

#6 – Eat a Variety of Different Foods

You should get your food from a variety of different food groups, as well as variety within each food group. The best way to get a variety of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber is to use MyPlate — a visual representation of the proportions for the five food groups you should eat at each meal. 

MyPlate can help you plan and prepare meals with healthy foods. The focus should be on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy products. 

Even though nutrition and a healthy diet are important, you should also be able to enjoy your food. It’s perfectly fine to indulge on occasion; just remember that moderation is important. 

#7 – Have Fun

Sometimes we need to take time out of our busy schedules to just have fun. This can include socializing, hobbies, or other things you enjoy. Having fun can also help improve your social health. 

#8 – Engage in Spiritual Practices 

Spiritual practices are important to help you recognize and practice your values, beliefs, and goals in life. These practices are personal and individual and can include journaling, prayer, religious services, meditation, or spending time in nature. 

#9 – Cut Back on Processed Foods

Processed foods are those that usually come in a box or package. They are high in sodium, added sugar, trans fat, and saturated fat. Processed foods are also low in healthy nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 

You can cut back on processed foods by planning meals and snacks from whole and unprocessed options like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy products. You can also make sure you are preparing and cooking more at home. 

#10 – Find Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance may look different to different people, but it involves managing your professional responsibilities with your personal priorities. It means working hard, but also spending time with family and friends, having hobbies, exercising, or traveling. 

Finding a good balance between professional and personal life is a way to be more healthy, happy, and productive. 

Your Health and Life Insurance

Life insurance is necessary to protect your family’s financial future in case something unexpected happens to you. It can help provide funds to cover end-of-life or burial expenses. 

The rates for life insurance are cheapest when you are young and healthy. You can qualify for life insurance even if you have medical conditions or health issues, but you will want to compare quotes online or work with an insurance agent if this is the case. That way you can find the best rates and coverage for your unique situation. 

Taking care of your health should be a priority for all adults. Simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in improving your overall wellness and your quality of life. You can live a productive, happy, and healthy life by implementing these easy lifestyle changes.

Melissa Morris writes and researches for the insurance comparison site, Clearsurance.com. She is a university professor of health sciences and human performance, a certified exercise physiologist, and a certified sports nutritionist.