A Complete Guide to Getting SADI-s Surgery

SADI-surgery is a unique operation; it tries to help lose weight when everything else may have failed. It changes both the stomach and the intestines. How? It helps ensure that the body draws in fewer calories from food. However, deciding that the surgery is something that has to be done is taking quite a big step, like any other medical procedure.

If you’re considering this surgery, you need to know what it involves and how the procedure will help you reach your health goals. The following guide takes you through preparation to recovery so, in case it is a decision, then it is an informed one.

What is SADI-s Surgery and How Does It Work?

SADI-s means Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal bypass with Sleeve gastrectomy. It features two techniques. First, to make a smaller ‘sleeve.’ This is more like a tube out of the stomach. It is mostly done by using a stapling device. The second is by bypassing part of the small intestine, hence reducing the body’s calories from food eaten. It is essentially a dual approach to achieving your goals of weight loss.

Preparing for Your SADI-s Surgery: Steps and Considerations

You and your doctor will talk about whether SADI-s surgery may be the right choice for you. The doctor looks through the past history of your health. He (or she) may also take you through tests like blood tests, urine tests, and many others showing if your body is up to the task for surgery.

You will be advised to stop smoking, avoid some medications, and go on a special diet several weeks before the operation. This is to help reduce the size of your liver and decrease the risk of something going wrong during the operation. Your healthcare team will guide you through these preparations step by step.

The Recovery Process: What to Expect After SADI-s Surgery

The period to be taken for recovery from SADI-s surgery will vary from person to person. A hospital stay after a SADS procedure is typically 24 to 48 hours. Many patients return to normal activity within one to two weeks.

During this period, you will be on a liquid diet, progressing to pureed, then ultimately back to a more normal diet. You would most likely need vitamin and mineral supplements the rest of your life because the operation would make your body have difficulties in taking up enough nutrients from food. In addition, follow-up checks with your doctor could be of help to monitor your health and healing.

Long-Term Benefits and Risks of SADI-s Surgery

Most patients do lose an extensive amount of weight within the first year of the operation, and they find that many of the problems associated with obesity are significantly improved. However, there is an inherent amount of risk that goes along with SADI-s surgery just as there is with any other form of surgery. These may include nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems, or in other, less likely cases, risks associated with the surgery itself.


For patients with severe obesity, surgery SADI-s is offered as a solution. The proper understanding of the procedure, making enough preparations before administration of surgery, and lifestyle change post-surgery would bring about radical improvement in health for the patient. Do remember that the decision to undergo surgery should always be made with the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider.

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

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