Becoming a Better Driver: Common Car Crash Causes

In the USA, there are around six million car accidents every year. These high statistics can undoubtedly be overwhelming; however, it is possible to reduce them. By researching and learning about crash causes, we can become better drivers and know what to look out for when out on the road.

Interested? Then keep on reading. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most common car accident causes.

Let’s get started.


Speeding is one of the leading causes of car crashes and can cause some of the most fatal injuries. Limits are put into place for a reason, so make sure you stay vigilant and adjust your speed when necessary.

If you’ve been involved in a crash, remember to seek advice from professionals such as a personal injury attorney San Francisco. They can help you through the process and ensure you get the maximum possible compensation for any medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.

Bad weather

When you’re a learner driver, you might not get many opportunities to practice driving in different weather conditions. This can lead you to panic or drive unsafely during heavy rain or snowstorms. The fact is, the weather can always change at the drop of a hat, so it’s essential to be prepared. Check the weather before heading out, and make sure you drive to the different conditions. Click how to drive safely in a storm if you are searching for more advice.


As mentioned above, learner drivers often don’t get as many opportunities to practice different driving skills. This can cause them to become nervous out on the road and potentially put others at risk. Alongside this, without properly being corrected, an inexperienced driver can develop certain bad habits that they will continue to follow throughout their life. Professional lessons can make a big difference and help any driver become more confident in their vehicle.

Distracted driving

In the USA, distracted drivers are the number one car crash cause. This is usually the result of being on phones, dealing with pets and children, and even becoming tired on a trip. To avoid your mind wandering, it’s important to be prepared for your journey and ensure that your vehicle is free from distractions. Strap in any animals and children safely, and make sure to turn your phone off while driving to resist temptation.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a severe offense, but unfortunately, many individuals still get behind the wheel intoxicated. To avoid injuring yourself and others, never drive after drinking more than the legal limit. In the US, this sits at 0.08% for those over 21. If you are unsure of your limit, try investing in a portable breath tester, or play it safe and call a cab.

By reading through the above, you should now have a better understanding of some of the most common car accident causes. The more we learn, the more vigilant we can be when driving to reduce those shocking statistics together.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

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