How to Have a Good Night’s Sleep: Three Anti-Snoring Exercises

While we tend to forget this, sleep is still one of the most important activities of your day. As Psychology Today reports, sleeping actually works as a laundry cycle for your brain.  During the night, the blood vessels in your brain flush out all of the metabolic buildup from the day, remove the neurotoxins, and distribute certain components that enhance the cellular reparation.

There are numerous reasons why people can’t sleep during the night – stressing over financial problems, anxiety about the future, and multiple others. However, the biggest reason will probably surprise you. The fact is, getting enough sleep can be almost impossible when your snoring is keep you and others around you awake. It can also grow into a bigger problem over time.

Top 3 Anti-Snoring Exercises

The exercises we have today for you are all approved and endorsed by the NSF (National Sleep Foundation) and so far, they’ve helped hundreds and thousands of people to stop snoring and improve their sleep in the process.

We recommend you try these exercises first before you go for a medical solution. The exercises will strengthen the muscles in your throat and mouth. That will prevent them from creating obstacles for your airflow and eliminate all of those overly-loud snoring sounds you make during the night.

All of the exercises we have here are quite easy to do and you can actually do them while you’re sitting in a chair or even lying in your bed before sleep.

Exercise #1

The first exercise we have requires you to take the tip of your tongue and push it against the roof of your mouth. Once you push it all the way through, you need to slide your tongue front and back in your mouth. You should repeat the action at least 20 times.

Exercise #2

The next exercise requires you to suck your tongue. Make sure you have your tongue completely upward and placed against the roof of your mouth. Keep the tongue in the position for ten seconds and then release it back. You should repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times.

Exercise #3

In this exercise, you need to force the back of the tongue against the floor of your mouth. At the same time, you need to keep your tongue tip pressed against the bottom of your teeth. This action should be repeated 10 to 15 times.

What to Do in Case These Don’t Work?

Of course, if none of these exercises work, you should take a more serious approach. One solution is use an anti-snoring mouthpiece that holds your jaw in place during the night.

On one hand, you can go to your dentist and get a custom made mouthpiece, but it will cost you. Another solution is to buy a mouthpiece from a seasoned company. As many Zenguard reviews point out, this is one of the best mouthpieces on the market and will definitely help you with your problem.

However, if you don’t want to spend too much money, you shouldn’t worry, because there are other ways you can get rid of your snoring.

For instance, you should try to lose a couple of pounds to get rid of excess fat around your neck. If you’re not overweight, you should try changing your sleeping position. People who sleep on their back usually snore more. For that reason, you should try sleeping on your side for a couple of nights.

Final Thoughts

Other small changes that will reduce you’re snoring including not drinking alcohol before bed, quitting smoking altogether, and stopping taking sleeping pills. If you read the warning on the box, you’d know that one of side-effects of sleeping pills includes snoring.

If all of the advice we have for you doesn’t work, then you should definitely go and visit a sleep specialist to see whether snoring is a symptom of something more serious.

The specialist will take a look inside your nose and mouth and look for other problems that may be causing the loud snoring. He will also give you an actual advice on additional treatments that can reduce or get rid of your night time snores.

Photo: Pixabay

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