How Long Before Minoxidil Starts Working?
Well, the answer here is at least 4 to as much as 12 months before you see the results coming in from the minoxidil.
But to NOT cause the hair loss again, you have to keep using minoxidil even after the hair regrows or expect to experience the shedding of hairs (the hair loss) but does rogaine work?
Surprised as to what got rogaine has to do down here?
Well, rogaine is the name of hair regrowth treatment that owns the outstanding share of minoxidil to make it the key ingredient.
And it does work as well.
Take it to massage it over your scalp and that too twice and daily with just about 1 milliliter every time.
This way, rogaine is going to revive the old hair follicles to regrow and keep the new as healthy as the original and freshly grown hairs.
Nevertheless, rogaine works best to bring you the new hairs and start impressing the world with your fresh and newly grown hairs.
How Minoxidil Works
As you already know, the key and prime ingredient to create rogaine is minoxidil.
So, we are all up for knowing everything about how minoxidil works.
And to better get an idea as to how long minoxidil takes to start working, we need to get to understand the whole process first to justify this long process which does require a significant amount of time.
Minoxidil was likely to get it to work with tackling the high blood pressure or hypertension, but the result is delivered to facilitate the blood flow to the hair follicles instead, which had them to regrow new hair.
Minoxidil is part of the prime ingredient used to develop the best hair growth products like Rogaine.
Since it provides the best hair regrowth to generate the new strands, minoxidil works immediately, but you would notice the difference after several months of using the hair regrowth product.
Hair regrow goes through different kind of the phases to build as the full-fledged piece of the new hair.
And the phases are;
- Anagen
- Catagen
- Telogen
- Exogen
Anagen – This makes it the very first stage where the hair is developed and grown to a certain length.
Under this anagen phase, this hair growth process can easily last up to three to five years before it enters into the second phase of Catagen.
While minoxidil can jump-start the new anagen phase for some of your hair follicles, but you should take note that you will be able to experience the significant growth of the latest hair after several months.
Catagen – After the hair gets developed under the Anagen phase, it gets to shrink afterward, and that particular phrase vis labeled as Catagen.
Telogen – Well, this phase is a total disaster.
Under this phase, all of the hairs produced and developed during the anagen phase shed away, which is called ‘hair loss’ for easy understanding.
Exogen – That is the phase which strikes right after the telogen where it replaces the new hair.
Use of minoxidil
Use it and use it every day and up to three to twelve months with consistency and regularly before you can even call it an improvement.
And the results of minoxidil vary from person to person.
Some people may start noticing little to no improvements in three to six months while some may experience the notable to significant growth within three months.
All in all and whatever is the improvement level and the nature of results, minoxidil does work best in providing the ultimate results and which is an undeniable fact the duration to gain the expected outcome will (and may) vary from person to person, and age to age.
Do use it continuously and as described for yourself and there should not be a single break in the continuity.
Photo | Pixabay
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