How to Look and Feel Your Best Every Single Day

First impressions are important and the first thing that people take note of is how someone presents themselves. For some people, creating a confident and clean image is easy while for others piecing together daily looks can take some effort. Follow these tips on how to look and feel your best every single day and learn how to consistently put your best face forward. 

Add A Healthy Glow 

Add a healthy glow with the help of bronzer to warm up the face. A little bronzer powder on the cheeks, nose, temples, jawline, down the neck and along the collarbone gives a radiant and healthy look. This is a great trick to use year-round to give the illusion of having spent time in the sunshine. 

Go For A Natural Look 

Depending on the time of day and agenda, makeup can be used to enhance facial features or completely transform the face. On an everyday basis, go for a natural makeup look. Aiming for a classic, simple, and timeless look will make the face look well-rested, the skin flawless, and brighten the eyes. Done properly it should look as though there is no makeup on the face. 

Another way to achieve a natural look is to embrace messy hair. It’s okay to wait one or two days between shampooing and get creative with a messy top knot or quick side braid, especially on the days when it is raining or humid. 

Achieving a healthy natural look on the outside is easier to do when one is healthy on the inside. Taking charge and prioritizing health is an important factor for looking and feeling great every day. Health Quote Gurus work with customers to find personalized health insurance quotes that are flexible, affordable, and secure. Customers can apply for innovative health coverage tailored to individual needs at any time of the year with Health Quote Gurus. 

Remember To Accessorize 

Always remember to accessorize. Adding jewelry, a scarf, a hat, or a belt can complete an overall look. Accessories can be simple and classic, or they can make a statement depending on the desired outcome. Wearing the right accessories can boost the mood of the day and give a feeling of confidence. 

Sunglasses add style and flair to any ensemble and tie together a look. Have a pair or two of sunglasses that flatter the face-shape that can be worn interchangeably depending on the style. Not only do sunglasses look good, but they are a fashionable way to protect the eyes from the sun. 

Spritz On A Fragrance 

Smelling familiar scents have a powerful impact on triggering memories. Spritz on a fragrance every day whether it is a perfume, body spray, or scented lotion. An appealing scent will boost mood, give a sense of confidence, and feel sexy. The fragrance is heat activated, meaning it smells stronger when applied to a warm area of the body. Apply scents to the inner wrists, the back of the neck, behind the knees, and the inner bend of the elbow.  

Wear Your Favorites

Everyone has had the experience of rifling through the closet only to decide that either there is nothing to wear or nothing looks good on. Instead of struggling on a bad day with what look to go for, wear favorite pieces. Choose clothing that gives confidence and that looks good no matter what. 

Have more than one piece of favorite clothing ready to wear in the closet. Flattering pieces that look and feel great on, like a cashmere cardigan, can greatly improve self-perception. INHABIT NY is a knitwear brand the blends luxury and fluidity to create the look of modern elegance and sophistication. INHABIT’s distinctive sweaters are made with innovative details in textures, ties, stitching, and seams, and come in a range of weights and fabrics to suit any season. 

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

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