Is Embroidery on Clothing Still Trending?

Although it has been around for thousands of years, embroidery is still in style. You can find embroidered roses delicately embellishing the corners of silk tablecloths and brightening throw pillows in the homes of people of means. You will also see it on the hats and jackets of professional athletes and their fans.

Embroidery never really goes out of style. However, there are some years when you will see more embroidered items than others. The kinds of items you will see embroidery on will often change with the times as well.

Although most of the embroidery you see these days was done by a machine, there are still some people who hand embroider. Trends in hand embroidery include using material that extends beyond the embroidery hoop. You may see embroidery designs such as a girl with long hair or a handing plant with vines that extend outside of the circle.

You will also see embroidery hoop necklaces that have a hoop made of silver or gold with a real embroidered design in the center of it.

You may see the occasional jacket with a famous work of art embroidered on the back. Imagine Starry Night on the back of a jean jacket or Whistler’s Mother embroidered on a blanket.

Embroidery Inspired Tattoos

If you see someone walking around town with what appears to be an embroidery pattern on their neck, don’t be scared, it’s not sewn on. Embroidery hoop tattoos are a growing trend. These tattoos are very colorful and detailed, so it may take quite a while for a tattoo artist to draw one.

You will see embroidery patterns on cakes. You may even see embroidered paper wedding invitations.

Although you are certain to see many a Harley Quinn and Joker embroidered on various hats and t-shirts, scenes from nature are always the most popular embroidery designs. Classic images of butterflies, bees, and roses will never really go out of style.

Quotes from literature on handbags and shirts are a growing trend. They are fairly easy to stitch and a cinch to program into a machine. If you give someone a shirt with a quote from their favorite author, it will be a gift they will treasure forever.

Designing Your Own Embroidered Clothing

If you are not a whiz with a needle and thread, fear not. You can still create embroidery designs.  Custom embroidery services are available on the internet. You can load an image from your computer onto the website of a company that prints shirts on demand. A state-of-the-art sewing machine will make your design come to life.

These websites will have a large selection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, socks, and tennis shoes to choose from. Not only will the website print your creation for you on the article of clothing of your choice, but they will also take care of the shipping.

Custom embroidery is one of the best ways to personalize a gift without going over your budget. You can go online and make someone you are giving a gift to, an article of clothing that is all about them.

Embroidery looks great no matter what year it is. Designing your own embroidered bling is a great way to express yourself, especially if you are on a tight budget.

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay 

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