The Truth Behind Tarot Card Reading: Myths and Realities

For centuries, tarot cards have fascinated many with their mysterious imagery and cryptic symbolism. But as with most things rooted in the mystic realm, they come with a fair share of misconceptions. Today, let’s explore the reality behind tarot card reading and debunk some prevalent myths.

1. Origins of Tarot: Beyond the Crystal Ball

Let’s start at the very beginning. Tarot cards, contrary to popular belief, did not originate as a mystical tool. They began as playing cards in 15th century Europe. It was only much later that they found their way into the world of divination.

Myth: Tarot cards come from ancient Egypt or other ancient civilizations.

Reality: Their actual roots trace back to Renaissance Italy, where they were used for a game called “Tarocchi.”

It’s essential to understand this historical context. Knowing the true origins of tarot cards provides a clearer view of their purpose and use. They weren’t devised by ancient sages but have been adapted over time to provide insight and reflection.

2. Reading the Tarot: Intuition or Magic?

When diving deep into one card tarot enthusiast’s forum, you’ll find heated debates about how tarot readings work. Some argue it’s pure intuition, while others swear there’s a dash of the supernatural.

Myth: You need psychic abilities to read tarot cards.

Reality: Anyone can learn to read tarot. While some readers may claim to have psychic abilities, many rely on their intuition, knowledge of the cards, and the ability to interpret symbolism.

It’s the dance between the reader’s intuition, the card’s symbolism, and the querent’s life experiences that bring meaning to a reading—not any inherent “magic” within the cards.

3. The Tarot’s Messages: Fate or Guidance?

One widespread belief is that tarot cards predict the future. However, this isn’t entirely accurate.

Myth: Tarot readings are set-in-stone predictions of future events.

Reality: Most tarot readings offer guidance, perspectives, or highlight underlying emotions and factors in one’s life. They don’t necessarily “predict” the future.

If you get the “Death” card, for instance, it doesn’t mean someone will die. Instead, it often symbolizes the end of a phase or the necessity for transformation. It’s more about understanding life’s cycles than ominous predictions.

4. Tarot Ethics: Manipulation or Enlightenment?

Let’s touch upon the ethics surrounding tarot readings.

Myth: Tarot readers are just scam artists trying to make a quick buck.

Reality: Like any field, there are always a few bad apples. However, many tarot readers are genuine individuals passionate about helping others through guidance and introspection.

Myth: Relying on tarot readings can become an unhealthy obsession.

Reality: While it’s possible for someone to become overly dependent on readings, many use tarot as a tool for meditation, self-reflection, and personal growth.

To ensure a positive tarot experience, always approach readings with an open mind and use them as a source of insight, not as an absolute roadmap for life.

5. The Deck Diversity: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Understanding the Types of Decks:

When most people think of tarot, they imagine the classic Rider-Waite deck with its iconic images. However, tarot has evolved, leading to a myriad of decks tailored to different cultures, themes, and philosophies.

Myth: The Rider-Waite is the only “true” tarot deck.

Reality: While the Rider-Waite is undoubtedly foundational, numerous decks resonate with different individuals. From the ethereal images of the Shadowscapes Tarot to the modern and inclusive depiction in the Modern Witch Tarot, there’s a deck for everyone.

6. The Role of the Querent: Passive Receiver or Active Participant?

Many believe that during a tarot reading, the querent merely sits back and listens. This passive perspective misses the profound interactive experience that tarot can provide.

Myth: The querent’s only job is to shuffle and listen.

Reality: The best tarot readings are a dialogue. 

A querent’s reactions, insights, and reflections can shape the direction of a reading, making it more personalized and relevant.

7. The Spread Spectrum: Is Bigger Always Better?

For many, the Celtic Cross, a ten-card spread, is the gold standard of tarot readings. But in reality, tarot spreads can range from a single card to an elaborate layout, each serving a unique purpose.

Myth: Complex spreads yield deeper insights.

Reality: The depth of a reading isn’t determined by the number of cards but by the clarity of the question and the skill of the reader. Sometimes, a single-card pull can provide a profound revelation.

8. Tarot’s Modern Revival: Ancient Tool or Contemporary Craze?

With the rise of technology, tarot has found a new platform. Apps, online readings, and virtual tarot communities have transformed the way we engage with these ancient cards.

Myth: Digital tarot readings aren’t as accurate as in-person readings.

Reality: Tarot’s essence lies in its symbolism and interpretation, which can be conveyed digitally. 

While some may prefer the tactile experience of physical cards, online readings offer accessibility and convenience, broadening tarot’s reach.


Tarot card readings, with their rich history and symbolic depth, offer a unique avenue for introspection and guidance. But as with any tool, understanding yes or no tarot card reading, its proper use and setting realistic expectations is crucial. By distinguishing between myths and realities, we can appreciate tarot for what it truly is: a blend of art, intuition, and personal reflection.

Photo by Kayla Maurais on Unsplash