What Does Your Perfume Say About You?

Wearing perfume is something that women have been doing for centuries now. Take a look back at Cleopatra whose perfume scent was said to bring “lords to their knees” thanks to the pheromones that are triggered by certain scents. And while there is a connection between scent and desire, that’s not the only reason women reach for perfume.

With so many different niche perfumes to choose from, all with their own distinct scent and notes, it can actually be really interesting when you start to think how and why you choose the ones you do. So, what exactly does your perfume say about you? You may be surprised with the answer.

What Rose Scented Perfumes Say About Your Personality

Rose scented perfumes are some of the most classic scents out there when it comes to cosmetics and perfumes. According to research from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, those who reach for rose scents tend to be sensitive and mindful of the needs of other people, and tend to be introspective. Being considerate, cautious, and not acting on impulse is also quite common.

Floral scents in general including things such as lilacs and gardenias are seen as romantic and classic. These are the exact kind of scents that are always stylish.

What Does Vanilla Scented Perfume Say About You?

Another very popular scent is vanilla, which can stand on its own or be mixed with other notes. People that opt for vanilla tend to be energetic and quite lively and are often considered the life of the party. It’s not unusual for them to be real social butterflies.

What Does Citrus Scented Perfume Say About You?

When you think of those citrus notes, you think of bright, refreshing scents. This is actually a good way to describe the personality of the typical citrus scent lover. They tend to be outgoing, ready to take on the world, and feel comfortable leading others. They are often described as alpha women.

What Does Fruit Scented Perfume Say About You?

Then we have the fruit scented perfumes, which is different than citrus. Think of scents such as berries, watermelon, tropical fruits, apples, etc. Those who reach for these varieties can often be seen a flirty, the star of the party, and the one that always gets noticed.

What Does Sandalwood Scented Perfume Say About You?

Another classic scent that is very popular is sandalwood. Again, this can be a stand-alone fragrance or just one of many notes in a particular perfume. These are type-A personalities who are always their toughest critic. They are perfectionists and over-achievers and are always striving to be better. They tend to excel in anything they do whether it be academically, in their career, or even in athletics.

Does it Ring True for You?

So now that you’ve taken a look at some of the more common perfume scents, do you fit into any of the categories? It’s always fun to look at what your perfume scent may say about you and gain a little insight.

Photos: Pixabay

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