What Happens When You Make a Personal Injury Claim?

Unanticipated mishaps can strike individuals at any moment, frequently leading to injuries that can be physically, emotionally, and financially devastating. 

When you find yourself in such a situation due to someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you may have the right to claim personal injury. 

This involves a complex series of steps and legal procedures. Following a general framework, we will show you what happens when you make a personal injury claim.

Initial Consultation

The first step in making a claim is consulting with experienced personal injury attorneys. Having the first consultation is important because you can talk to a legal expert about your case, and they can tell you how strong it is. 

During this consultation, you will provide your attorney with all relevant information, such as the accident details, injuries sustained, medical records, and any evidence you may have.

Investigation and Gathering Evidence

After you use an attorney, they will investigate your case. This involves gathering evidence to establish liability and determine the extent of your damages. Evidence can include witness statements, accident reports, photographs, medical records, and expert opinions. This phase is essential for building a strong case to support your claim.

Demand Letter

After collecting enough evidence, your attorney will draft a letter addressed to the insurance company of the party responsible. This letter outlines your case, including the facts of the accident, the injuries you sustained, and the damages you seek. 

As the negotiation kicks off, the demand letter typically outlines a request for compensation, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and other pertinent expenses.

Negotiation with the Insurance Company

Once the insurance company gets the letter, they will evaluate it and reply with either an offer or a denial. Negotiations can be lengthy and involve discussions between your attorney and the insurance company’s representatives. 

Your lawyer will dedicate effort to ensure you the best possible settlement outcome. If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, the case may proceed to litigation.

Filing a Lawsuit

If negotiations prove unsuccessful, your attorney may file a lawsuit. This involves initiating legal action against the at-fault party and formally beginning the litigation process. Your case will enter the court system, and the legal proceedings will commence. It’s important to note that not all personal injury claims go to court; many are resolved through settlements.

Discovery Phase

During the litigation process, both parties engage in the discovery phase. This phase involves exchanging information and evidence related to the case. Depositions, interrogatories, and document requests may be part of the discovery process. The goal is to gather additional evidence, clarify facts, and prepare for trial.

Mediation or Settlement Conference

Before going to trial, many personal injury cases go through mediation or a settlement conference. These are opportunities for both parties to meet with a neutral third-party mediator or a judge to explore the possibility of a settlement. Mediation allows for a less adversarial approach and can save time and money compared to a trial.


If a settlement cannot be reached through mediation or negotiation, the case will go to trial. Then, both parties will present evidence, witnesses will testify, and arguments will be made. The final decision on the case’s outcome and the amount of compensation you are entitled to receive will be made by a judge or jury.

Post-Trial Motions and Appeals

There may be post-trial motions and appeals after the trial. These legal processes can be initiated by either party to challenge the trial’s outcome or seek modifications to the verdict. Appeals can extend the duration of the case and add complexity to the overall process.

Enforcement of Judgment

If you receive a favorable judgment at trial or through a settlement, the next step is to enforce that judgment. This involves working with your attorney to collect the awarded compensation from the responsible party or their insurance company.

Final Takeaways

Making a personal injury claim is a multifaceted process that requires careful navigation through legal procedures, negotiations, and potential litigation. While the process outlined here is a general framework, each personal injury case is unique and may follow a slightly different path.