In The Body of The World – Yours and Mine “… I have been exiled from my body. I was ejected at a young age and I got lost. For years I have been trying to find my way back to my [...]February 11, 2018
The Little Foxes – Southern Gentility Masks Deadly Greed “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” Chapter 2, Verse 15 of the Song [...]April 25, 2017
August Wilson’s Jitney – Superb Ensemble Jitney is the first play written by two-time Pulitzer Prize winning August Wilson for his ten chapter, decade by decade, Pittsburgh [...]January 31, 2017
Heisenberg – Outstanding Theater The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (1927) states that neither the position nor velocity of an object can be measured exactly, at the same [...]October 17, 2016
Incognito – Reflections On the Human Brain Nick Payne’s Constellations, (on Broadway in 2015), poetically explored The String Theory of Quantum Physics: In layman’s terms, what [...]June 3, 2016
Blackbird – There Are Two Sides to Every Story When Ray (Jeff Daniels) yanks Una (Michelle Williams) into his office lunchroom, we immediately know something’s very wrong. Vibrating [...]March 31, 2016