Self Growth, The Psychology Of Our Minds

There is a lot of information about personal growth; that is why this short guide can hopefully be an enjoyable read. Try one to two points and evaluate your growth; do not try to change everything overnight. Self-growth is a journey, and our learning can’t be rushed. We are living in challenging times; be sure to bear that in mind. 

Question your current status

When was the last time you learned something new? When did you challenge yourself to reach an important goal in your life? Have you questioned the way you do things? Could it be that there are not one or more ways to improve them? Sometimes, even though we know that something is not going well in our life we ??tend to ignore it, as long as it has no consequences we let things remain the same, but that is being conformist, it is being designed not to improve. If you look closely, you will notice that there are aspects in life that with a little effort, we can do better. Examples:

  • Healthy eating
  • Exercise moderately
  • Rest more
  • Work on a project that you are passionate about

Meet Positive People

Undoubtedly you have heard of toxic people, yes, those who complain all the time, cynical, bitter, arrogant, conceited. In a word, “toxic” people is something that we shouldn’t have to deal with day to day. Instead, we should focus on meeting people with different qualities; positive, optimistic, modest, simple people, with well-defined goals and great motivation. Connecting with such people will help you above all to have a strong circle of friends who will support each other to achieve their goals.

Read more

When you read something inspiring or motivating it is like a burst of energy to challenge yourself or to endure a little more in our struggles, and since it is not a habit in our modern society, fewer and fewer people with that attitude. You can find good reads in books, websites, blogs, and magazines. On the other hand, there are very educational television programs with good stories; the problem is that they are few, television is often saturated with advertising, sex, violence and a thousand other things that distract people from the life they want. What’s more, it numbs the masses and makes them believe that by sitting down and buying what they offer you has already solved your life. Be careful what you see on television; it could be taking you away from your potential and your talents. 

Get moving

It is not enough just to read or admire people who have survived amid adversity; it is necessary to act, day after day, week after week. Things don’t just happen; they happen because we work to achieve them. That is why you should ask yourself, what could you do today to advance in your projects? It doesn’t have to be a work of hours and hours, five minutes a day would suffice, that’s better than nothing. Those five minutes will give you the impetus to do a little more each day, reducing those superficial or even useless things that are stealing our precious time.

Enjoy the trip

You never stop learning. Personal growth is not a destination; it is a path. Growing as a person is not to feel more than others; humility is the quality that makes human beings great, never forget it. It allows us to learn from life lessons and make fresh new decisions. 

In the famous words of Gandhi, “If you want to change the world, change yourself.”- 

Many things stem from childhood and adulthood

Human beings are born with a base of essential and inherent qualities that are part of our nature and do not depend on the outside. Our natural background is made up of energy (physical and psychological energy processes), intelligence (ability to process information, analyze, etc.) and affectivity (the ability to love and feel).

A child receives input from family members, teachers and society in general, but not only do they learn, but they accept what they receive from the outside as useful, they consider it the truth. Through innocence, they are conditioned to think this way. Also, they have a great need for significant stimuli; we need to feel accepted and loved; their need to receive the love of their environment makes them more sensitive to external factors. Whatever happens in childhood often lingers and creates problems in the future if not dealt with. This is often beyond our control; but we can use these problems in the now, to assist.

You cannot force change; you need calm and patience; the job is to realize it. If what you want is to change and achieve this or that, you would be rebuilding a new super character, a perfect being. You can change and rewire your mind and let go of the things from the past. Undertake this task first: 

  1. Childhood Review. Sit quietly and reflect. What made you happy and how unhappy? Make written listings.
  2. Analyze what things you can’t stand; what usually bothers you (comments, attitudes, situations, words, etc.).
  3. What makes you more angry, afraid, depressed? What can’t you bear?
  4. What kind of people do you find the most unbearable? And what kind of people do you admire?
  5. Work to be more aware. Be attentive, present and aware in the day to day (both in pleasant and unpleasant situations), be aware of what happens to you, observe the conditions to transcend them. Realize the character you represent, the acquired habits, the automatic responses, to realize the character, we can gradually release the false and leave the authentic, this is a slow, daily and long-term job.

The more you discover about yourself, the more you find and can focus on energy, happiness and not as a particular way of thinking, feeling and doing. The more you can see how fabulous each person is, instead, the more you can focus on positives. Don’t be blinded by the negatives, though; toxic relationships are bad for you. However, focus on the good things and appreciate that to attract more for self-growth. 

Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

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