Tips for Upping the Comfort Factor of Your Home Office So You’re More Productive in 2023

Due to the global pandemic, many of us changed to working from home in 2020 or 2021. At the time, this typically meant getting set up in a hurry and trying to find ways to dedicate set space for work in an often-cramped home. 

As a result, many of us have been making do with our home office situations rather than truly setting up spaces that help us to focus and concentrate as best as possible. In 2023, it’s worthwhile spending more time, money, and energy on ensuring your workspace is as comfortable as it can be. 

Ensure You Can Control the Temperature

Firstly, to work productively, you want an office that enables temperature control year-round. In the warmer months, you might be able to open windows to let in some air, but it also pays to install a modern ceiling fan to help move the hot air around as needed. There are plug-in fans, too, if that suits, plus you might also want to use an electric or gas heater when the temperature drops or a fireplace or other heating alternative.

You may like to have a reverse-cycle air conditioning unit installed in your home office, too, that will help keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. If possible, pick out an energy-efficient model so you don’t rack up a big power bill. Likewise, if you have a furnace heating system at home, ensure that you have booked the home heating oil in advance to prevent any last-minute issues in the system

Utilize Ergonomic Equipment

Since you’ll be spending so many hours working, likely at a computer, you need to have ergonomic equipment to use to help your body stay comfortable and your mind clear. It’s helpful to convert to a stand-up desk so your body gets relief from sitting all day and you have fewer neck, back, shoulder, and other pains and stiffness. 

There are excellent, affordable manual and electronic desk options these days that move up and down. Alternatively, you can turn a traditional desk into one you can work standing up at by using a flexible arm or getting a stand of some type to put your laptop on when you’re ready to rise. 

Also, if you alternate between sitting and standing or simply want to sit at your desk for your entire workday, it’s vital to have a quality ergonomic chair to support your body. Avoid using a standard dining room chair, stool, or the like, as these aren’t designed for use for so many hours per day. Instead, invest in a specialized office master chair that has adjustable lumbar and height settings and is created to mold to your back.

Consider Air Quality

To think clearly and feel more comfortable in general, you want decent air quality in your office. Opening windows or sliding doors to the outside to let some fresh air in will help, but this often isn’t enough, or you may not have such facilities. It’s helpful to buy a good air purifier with HEPA-grade filters for your office to help improve the air quality and reduce the risk of germs and allergens making you sick. 

Pick out an air purifier with numerous filtration layers to best capture airborne particular and mitigate problems like mold, mildew, smoke, etc. In addition, it pays to add one or more indoor plants to your home office. Not only does such greenery create a relaxing vibe and give you something nice to look at, but plants also help to increase oxygen levels in a space.

Pay Attention to Lighting 

Something many people don’t consider enough when setting up their home office is how good the lighting is. Considering we use our eyes all day when working, these body parts need to be taken care of, too. Many offices are in the smallest rooms of the house or tucked into basements or other spaces that are more likely to have less natural sunlight. As such, you may need to improve the lighting in your workspace. 

Add windows or skylights as needed to bring in natural light where it’s missing. This will help give your eyes a reprieve and help your mood to improve, too. Also, make your office lighter and brighter by adding a few different lighting sources so you have options for different tasks throughout the day. 

For instance, it’s beneficial to have overhead lighting, such as downlights or pendant lights, as well as direct task lighting (e.g., desk lamps), which are especially useful at night. 

Incorporating all the above elements will help elevate your workspace so that you’re more effective at tasks and happier to be in your office each day. 

Photo by Ken Tomita at

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