Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction – What’s Best For Me?

Our bodies can go through an array of physical changes over the course of a lifetime, and the stomach is an area that can often lead to self-consciousness, particularly where pregnancy, drastic weight loss, or aging have taken their toll. When these life events occur, they often leave loose, sagging skin in their wake.

For many women, a surgical solution may be the best way to tackle their frustrations with these changes, and to work towards reshaping their stomach and restoring confidence in their body. 

One of the more effective cosmetic surgeries available is a tummy tuck, which will remove the excess skin to give your abdomen a more slender, athletic look. Another option is liposuction, which helps to remove small pockets of fat that dieting may not remove no matter how hard you try.

You may be thinking: “Which one of those is right for me?”

Well, let’s find out!

Set out your goals

Before considering any cosmetic surgery, it’s best to first figure out what you’re hoping to get from the operation. The outcomes of any treatment need to line up with your needs. A tummy tuck can treat excess, sagging skin, as well as the often uncomfortable effects of Diastesis Recti, which is a separation of the abdominal muscles caused by pregnancy.

If you’ve got a lumpy, looming stomach after pregnancy that is especially visible when sitting up from lying down, you may be suffering from some muscle separation.

A tummy tuck specialist can knit your separated abdominal muscles back together, strengthening your core and removing the unsightly bumps. Fixing this muscle separation isn’t a purely aesthetic choice, as leaving Diastesis Recti unrepaired can lead to poor posture and back pain over the long term.

One of the most common motivations for a tummy tuck is to get back to a more aesthetically pleasing midriff, getting rid of the wrinkled, inelastic skin that hangs over your waistline. 

Generally, the skin is the result of drastic weight loss, whether that’s after giving birth or after an effective period of dieting. Some women can feel embarrassed as a result of this extra skin, and it may even keep them from sunbathing in their bikini, or wearing clothes that hug their body. 

In this sense, a tummy tuck can be liberating, opening up those corners of the wardrobe that have been off-limits since your baby was born, or since your diet ended.

Perhaps you’ve been exercising and exercising, but you’re still seeing those frustrating little pouches of fat around your belly? If that’s the case, liposuction is a great way to slim these little pockets of fat down, sculpting your stomach and leaving that tight, natural look you’ve been working so hard to achieve.

Of the two treatments, a tummy tuck is the more expensive option. This is because it is more comprehensive, dealing with both excess skin and the repair of separated stomach muscles. Liposuction focuses solely on fat deposits without working on the skin. 

A 2-in-1 surgical solution

Thankfully, it is possible to combine the two techniques into one operation! This is called a Lipoabdominoplasty. If sagging skin and stubborn fat pockets are both issues for you, it could be worth giving some thought to this combined surgery.

Take a break

In terms of recovery, neither operation should leave you out of action for very long.

After liposuction, many people return to heavy exercise regimes after just two or three weeks. A tummy tuck might see you avoiding anything too strenuous until six weeks after the operation (12 weeks for anything that might strain your abs). The final results of a tummy tuck will be plain to see after 6 to 12 months, while liposuction shows off its benefits after just 12 weeks, keep that timeframe in mind when you’re weighing up your options.

Final thoughts…

Cosmetic surgery can have a transformative effect on your physique, bringing huge aesthetic and medical benefits, but we all need a little help when it comes to big life decisions like these. 

Whichever operation you choose, don’t feel as if you have to make the decision alone – speak to an experienced cosmetic surgeon who can talk you through all the pros and cons of a tummy tuck and of liposuction before you elect for one, the other, or both! 

About the author: 

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach goer operating out of Southern New Jersey. 

Photo by Jason Yoder on Unsplash